
The Night Before Crab Season

The Night Before Crab Season
Parody By: The Boatbuilder's Wife

Twas the night before Crab Season, and all through the town,
Every one was scrambling, there was no sitting down.
Crab pots were flying down down streets, bridges and docks
With great anticipation about Crab Season O'clock.

The bin boards were sorted and ready in holds,
And bait was chopped and loaded in spite of the cold;
And R with his toolbags, and I close behind,
Doing last minute fixes with what parts we could find.

When each engine on the dock started with roars of noise,
We jumped off the boats and said bye to the boys.
And Up the slippery ramp we flew like a flash,
Praying none of our friends would find rocks to bash.

Waiting at the South Jetty the moon was aglow,
Showing the fleet hurrying outbound, props churning below,
Under the gaze of their families, the wives, kids and dogs,
The small ships ran on, decks bulging with pots.

Each boat had a Captain, and a scurrying crew,
Still lashing down deck gear, battening hatches too.
By the scores they all gathered and approached buoy 10,
While Families ashore waved 'til they'd see them again.

Bye Katrina, hurry Nicole, and Cape St. James too,
Go Ballad, Cassandra Anne, be safe all of you!
Careful over The Bar! Watch out for those waves!
Hope electronics and hydraulics behave!

Heading out to sea in the shivering cold night,
Their decks glowed with work, deck lights shining bright.
As they each passed the jetties, small their lights grew,
And on each boat soon there would be so much to do.

Dear ones watched on as each ship crossed The Bar,
In search of Dungy crab, wether near or far.
A last phone call goodbye before out of cell range,
While freezing fog made things on deck look strange.

Wives and girls headed home, slept, and headed off to work,
Watching phones and weather, trying not to go berserk.
Soon the fleet will be home just as sudden as they left,
Holds full of more crab than the old cranes can heft.

Then R will spring into action, with more parts aready,
Fixing more items at the dock, as each boat holds steady.
I kissed R goodbye, aimed to Portland in flight,
"Happy Crab Season dear, but please sleep some tonight."

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I don't really want to put out a bunch of rules here. Just... play nice. Don't identify folks.